Multicultural and information Centre www.mcc.is
Welcome to Hornafjörður
Here in Hornafjörður, a multicultural community, we are aware of how complex and confusing it can be to move to a new place. We would like to make it slightly easier for you by providing you with this practical information pamphlet for new residents. If you have questions about anything concerning living in Iceland or if you need assistance with residence permit, working permit, registration, housing benefits, social housing, childcare etc. the social services in Höfn are here to assist.
The project manager of multicultural affairs is located at Víkurbraut 24 and has office hours Monday to Friday from 8am - 16pm. Please call 470-8000 or send an email to hilduryr@hornafjordur.is to make an appointment.
Do you want to learn Icelandic or have your education valued?

Fræðslunetið – símenntun á Suðurlandi is a lifelong learning center. It offers courses in Icelandic (4 levels) and assistance in getting your education recognised in Iceland. Fræðslunetið is located at Nýheimar, Litla brú 2, and has office hours Monday to Thursday from 8am – 4pm and Fridays from 8am – 3pm. For further information, you can either drop by the office or send an email to saedis@fraedslunet.is
If you want to study Icelandic online, http://www.icelandiconline.is/index.html might be the right choice for you. These courses are offered by the University of Iceland.
Working in Iceland? Know your rights?
FL - The Union of General and Special Workers in East Iceland, is located at Víkurbraut 4. At AFL you can get information about your rights and obligations as an employee in the Icelandic labor market. AFL has office hours Monday – Friday from 9am – 4pm. You are welcome to come by their office, call 470-0319 or send an email to hjordis@asa.is
Electronic ID
Electronic identification (also known as electronic certificates or electronic ID). This type of ID is designed for electronic communication and is issued in collaboration with Icelandic authorities. If you have a smartphone you can get your electronic ID activated at Landsbankinn, Hafnarbraut 36.
The town hall
The town offices of the municipality of Hornafjörður are located in the Hornafjörður Council Building at Hafnarbraut 27. The offices provide general services for locals and others. There you can also find advisors for all departments of the municipality: Financial Department, Technology & Environmental Department, and School & Leisure Department. A change of residence needs to be registered at www.skra.is but you can also get assistance at the town hall. The town offices are open from 09am – 12pm and 12:45 – 3pm Tel: 470 8000, website: www.hornafjordur.is
District Commissioner office and police station
The District Commissioner office and police station are located at Hafnarbraut 36, Höfn. The District Commissioner issues various permits and certificates, including residence permits, passports, driver's licenses, permits for operations of restaurants, guesthouses, bars and more. For more information, see www.syslumenn.is. The opening hours of the District Commissioner‘s office are from 9am – 3pm Tel: 458 2800. To contact the police, call the emergency hotline 112. For more information see www.logregla.is
The kindergarten, Sjónarhóll, is located at Víkurbraut 26 and has six departments for children aged 1 – 6. The kindergarten is open weekdays from 8am – 4pm. To apply, contact the front desk at the town hall, it is possible to apply after the child has turned 9 months old. To contact the kindergarten call 470-8480.
Hofgarður, a primary school located in Öræfi, 120 km west of Höfn, also has a preschool department. To contact the school, call 478-1672.
Primary School
Hornafjörður Primary School operates in two separate buildings: In Hafnarskóli at Svalbarð 6, for students in grade 1 – 6. The school is open from 7:50 – 15:30. Tel: 470 8430. E-mail: grunnskoli@hornafjordur.is.
The other is in Heppuskóli at Víkurbraut for students in grade 7 – 10. The school is open from 07:50am – 03:30pm. Tel: 4708410. grunnskoli@hornafjordur.is. Heppuskóli, Víkurbraut.
Hofgarður Primary School, for students in grade 1 – 6, is located 120 km west of Höfn in Hofgarður, Öræfi. Tel: 478 1672. E-mail: hofgardur@hornafjordur.is
At the end of the school day, students in grade 1 – 4 have the option of extended attendance in Kátakot from 1 – 4pm Kátakot is open during regular school hours.
The Secondary School
The Secondary School of Austur-Skaftafellssýsla (FAS) is located at Nýheimar, Litla brú 2. It offers academic education as well as vocational education in accordance with demand. Tel: 470 8070.
The Music School
The Music School of Austur-Skaftafellssýsla is located in Sindrabær, Hafnarbraut 17. The school teaches musical instruments to children from age 7 up to secondary school level. Attendance is mandatory for children in 2nd and 3rd grade in Hafnarskóli.
The music school also offers music education in Hofgarður, Öræfi. Tel: 470 8460.
Health care
In Hornafjörður you have good access to general health and dental services. Experts in various medical fields work on a regular basis at the Health Clinic of Höfn. Further information can be obtained at the Health Clinic, located on Víkurbraut 31, with opening hours from 8am – 4pm every week day. Doctor appointments are available by calling 432 2900 between 8 and 9am.
Vaccinations have been common in Iceland for many decades, especially vaccination of children. This is very important since epidemics will not be controlled unless the majority of people are vaccinated. If you have children, we kindly ask you to inform the healthcare services what vaccinations your children have received. Vaccinations for children are free of charge.
In case of emergency, call the Emergency Hotline 112.
Dental services are provided by dentist Héðinn Sigurðsson. The dental clinic is located at Vesturbraut 4, tel. 478 2033. Dental service is free of charge for children aged 3 - 18 apart from an annual fee of ISK 2,500.
A list of useful websites
- www.mcc.is – Multicultural Information Center
- www.newiniceland.is - Are you new in Iceland? Or still adjusting?
- www.hornafjordur.is - Hornafjörður Municipality´s webpage
- www.asa.is - AFL - the Union of General and Special Workers in East Iceland
- www.asi.is - The Icelandic Confederation of Labour
- www.utl.is – The Directorate of Immigration
- www.skra.is - Register Iceland
- www.husbot.is – Housing benefits
- http://www.humanrights.is/en - Legal counselling for immigrants free of charge.
Useful Facebook pages
- Sveitarfélagið Hornafjörður, Official facebook page for Hornafjörður Municipality
- Til sölu á Höfn, Here you can buy and sell items such as clothes and furniture, etc. in Hornafjörður. You can also place an ad if you are looking for an apartment or a job.
- Íbúar í sveitarfélaginu Hornafirði , A page where residents can share
- Viðburðir í Sveitarfélaginu Hornafirði , Information about different events in Hornafjörður
- Fræðslunetið, símenntun á Suðurlandi, A center of Lifelong learning for Adults – Icelandic courses
- Home away from home – Living in Iceland
We hope that this information pamphlet will come in handy. We recommend that you read the brochure “Fyrstu skrefin” from the Multicultural Information Center since it contains a lot of important and practical information about living in Iceland. Welcome to Hornafjörður.